Getting Noticed

Photo By Brooke Lynn Photography

Photo By Brooke Lynn Photography

After applying to a position, have you ever felt as though your resume is placed in some black abyss along with hundreds of others that will never be read in full by the human eye?

Yes, I understand that the example above is quite dramatic; however, it’s difficult to stand out to employers when there are so many other applicants. How can you differentiate yourself from so many others in a positive way?

When trying to stand out to a potential employer, there are many stages that you have to go through. Generally, you are first represented by your cover letter and resume, so it’s critical that these are done well. I will write more on these at a later time.

Next, you will probably have a phone or face-to-face interview with a recruiter or the hiring manager. In preparing for the interview, make sure to familiarize yourself with the job description and responsibilities. Also, research their company. Learn what the company does and what their values are. During the interview, you can use this information to show how you would fit in that position and with that role. Showing up to an interview without knowing about the company and position shows that you are not prepared and do not take it seriously.

Another way to stand out is to make professional connections. LinkedIn is such a great professional social media tool that you can use to expand your network. It is also great because it allows you to show people your past work and school experiences. Also, one of my favorite features on LinkedIn, is the ability to post recommendations and endorsements for everyone to see. I have been using LinkedIn a lot recently and it has helped me to connect with many friends and colleagues as well as meet new people. While LinkedIn is great and I highly recommend using it, make sure to keep your eyes open to other networking opportunities.

What are your strategies for standing out and how do you make connections?

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